
Three housekeeping sub-categories

Based on the tasks to be performed, the status of housekeeper is divided into three sub-categories: housekeeper, cleaner, household housekeeper,& childcare housekeeper (nannies, babysitters). If an employee’s role consists of a combination of tasks from the three sub-categories, the employer should belong to the sub-category of the main task.

It is important to know which sub-category applies because the legal minimum wage differs per category.

Housekeeper for cleaning duties

A housekeeper performs mainly cleaning work for the employer’s household and family, such as cleaning surfaces (floors, bathrooms, furniture) and rooms (entrance, stairs, cellar, bedrooms and other rooms etc) in the employer’s house.

Schoonmaken van de (leef)ruimtes volgens de instructies of werkschema’s:

  • Cleaning and the maintenance of cleaning equipment.
  • Making use of a variety of cleaning techniques (dusting, vacuuming, mopping).
  • Airing rooms, making beds and cleaning windows.
  • Putting out non-hazardous household waste for collection.
  • Moving objects before and after cleaning.

Household housekeeper

This housekeeper performs mainly manual household work for the employer’s household and family with the aim of being of service to the residents of the private home in all necessary work activities.

Onderhouden van kleding en ander textiel (wassen, naaien, strijken):

  • Using the iron, washing machine and dryer, and other appliances.
  • Sorting laundry.
  • Folding clothing and other textiles without creasing.
  • Carrying out minor repairs to clothing and other textiles.

(Voor)bereiden van maaltijden:

  • Grocery shopping.
  • Estimating or calculating costs.
  • Preparing meals according to hygiene and storage regulations.
  • Following any nutritional and dietary guidelines imposed by the employer.
  • Adjusting the meal(s) to suit the needs of the individuals.
  • Systematically keeping the cooking area and kitchen utensils
  • clean and hygienic.

Uitvoeren van de bijkomende huishoudelijke opdrachten:

  • Being responsible for the daily grocery shopping according to instructions.
  • Taking care of plants.
  • Feeding pets and maintaining their living environment (cat litter tray, aquarium).
  • Welcoming visitors and offering them drinks.
  • Serving and clearing away meals.

Childcare housekeeper (nannies, babysitters)

Employees who are mainly concerned with tasks involving the employer’s children such as private nannies and babysitters belong in this sub-category. This housekeeper is responsible for welcoming, looking after and caring for children with the aim of giving them the necessary guidance in their daily lives:

Opvangen van kinderen:

  • Making agreements about looking after children.
  • Welcoming and helping children on arrival.
  • Creating an atmosphere of affection, warmth and security.

Begeleiden van kinderen bij de dagelijkse activiteiten.

  • Acting on information provided by the parents.
  • Giving the children hygienic care.
  • Providing explanations where necessary.
  • Dressing the children appropriately for the weather conditions.
  • Supervising activities.

Instaan voor het eigen gedrag

  • Teaching behaviour by example when it comes to rules on ethical and social standards.
  • Building a relationship of trust with the children and parents.
  • Showing respect for the identity and diversity of others.

Nannies and babysitters are not au pairs, but true employees who are entitled to a minimum wage.